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Children Liturgy

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me" Mark 10:14

Children’s Liturgy is held over the school year on Sundays during the 10:00am Mass. We welcome children between the ages of 4-10.

Children are called to participate, by our celebrant priest following the opening procession. The children then proceed to the Parish Hall of the Church with the group leader; children return to join their families following the offertory.

Our purpose is to help our kids understand the Gospel and learn more about their faith in a positive and enjoyable manner. As the Liturgy of the Word is never simply a verbal experience, we use gestures, movement and singing to heighten their experience.

We create a place where all are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in discussions. This helps not only to understand Scripture but also to live by it.


Contact Clarice Daniel (647) 230-5889