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CWL 2022 Youth Awards Programs and the Results

Przesłane : Jan-31-2022

We encourage all eligible students in our parish community to participate.


  • Click for more details on programs
  • For entry details, contact St. Timothy Parish CWL, Education & Health Chair, Isabel Fan (
  • St. Michael’s College Scholarship (female only). Application sent directly to Diocesan Level by Thursday, June 30, 2022 to Connie Cristinziano at


C W L Youth Awards Competitions Results


  • Jean McCann Service Award for Youth Contest (Age 15-18)
     Jacob Maillet from Brebeuf College graduate placed 1 st .
     Gloriann Lobo from Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts placed 3 rd
  • Mary Dobell Pro-Life Poetry Senior Contest - Grades 10, 11 & 12
    Jayden Lobo from Francis Libermann Catholic High School placed 2 nd . Poem: The Value of
    Human Life
  • Mary Dobell Pro-Life Poetry Intermediate Contest - Grades 7, 8 & 9
     Aaron Malik from Sacred Heart Catholic School, placed 2 nd . Poem: Human Dignity.
  • Mary Dobell Pro-Life Essay Intermediate Contest - Grades 7, 8 & 9
     Anamarie Xavier from St. Timothy Catholic School, placed 3 rd . Essay: Promoting the
    teaching of the Catholic Church


Congratulations to all the participants for their achievement!  Best wishes for those that will continue to the final contest at the C W L Toronto Diocesan Council.  We will update you once the results become available.
Thank you for all the support from the judges evaluating the entries and selecting the winners.