A Society of Apostolic Life based in Ottawa, Ontario.
It is a community of Roman Catholic priests that is Eucharistic, Charismatic, Marian and Magisterial. It was founded by Fr. Robert Bedard and was approved in 2003 by the Vatican as a Society of Apostolic Life.
Check out its home to find out more about the vision, mission, spirituality, brotherhood, teachings from our beloved priests, retreats, and all the other updates on events around the community.
"I see the Church waking up and coming explosively alive to the point where it, with the power of the Holy Spirit, will shake the earth and nations with its dynamic presence."
- Fr. Bob Bedard, CC Founder
As Companions of the Cross, "We proclaim Christ Crucified...the Power of God and the Wisdom of God"
- 1 Cor 1:23-24
Lay Associate of the Companions of the Cross
Eran, Michael, & Sebastian Lifetime Promises and Diaconate Ordination
Timothy Silver Lifetime Promises and Diaconate Ordination
Fr. Kevin Fr. Isacc Fr. Daniel Ordination to Priesthood